Saturday, February 18, 2012

Climate Hawks & #HR3242

On Wednesday, four climate hawks in the Senate made a solid push to bring this critical and urgent issue into focus for our nation's lawmakers.

Senators Sanders, Udall, Whitehouse, and Franken got right to the heart of the matter and confronted the special interests that are being so successful in making it look like there's confusion about the science - just enough to ensure the status quo.

See the highlights in this video:

In light of the "deniergate" scandal that broke this week, it's heartening to see some in Congress trying to bring climate solutions to the fore.

Other positive, exciting news from DC is the introduction of HR 3242 - the "Save Our Climate Act" - which puts a price on carbon, and uses revenues to go toward deficit reduction and dividends for the public -- starting $160 per person and rising to $1,170 per person.

Learn more about the bill here and click here to quickly and easily voice your support for it to your representatives.

Stay going.

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