Monday, September 12, 2005

Elephants at the table...

Wanted to thank my old man for alerting me to the cover story in the latest Forbes on GE going green. I'm sure you've all seen the new Ecomagination ad campaign - the article's a pretty good concise look at what they're actually doing.

Definitely some good stuff going on, certainly some PR smoke and mirrors and misguided initiatives that will probably create more problems than they solve (a lot of ‘dealing in the leaves’) – but all in all its encouraging to see the big dogs address the issue with their wallets in hand. I also think Immelt's been doing a hell of a job through some tough times in general (and he's a Dartmouth alum and damn good man).

The article also speaks to the importance of the political process in all this with the companies gearing up for a post-Bush, Kyoto-reality world. Those with the competitive advantage when that breaks will be pretty psyched as they make the market for their competitors to buy credits from them.

Here’s the link -

You might have to go to and register.

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